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On this page we post some information on a selection of the collective tours we did during the year.Enjoy having a look at the tours and pictures and feel free to get back to us if you want to do one of them!
Lenggries - Jachenau - Walchensee - Eschenlohe - Murnau
#ascent 400 hm
IMGmunich did this tour on Saturday, July 9th, 2016
We met at the Munich Hauptbahnhof and caught the 9:05 BOB train. Being a group of five, we were conveniently able to fully use a group train ticket. The train was pretty full, but luckily we were all able to get ourselves and bikes into the train.
We exited the train in Lenggries and saw somewhat threatening clouds overhead. The clouds persisted for much of the day but fortunately it never rained on us. We began riding dirt roads and trails in the forest and through meadows in the vicinity of the Isar. The route then took us to Jachenau where a little search for a geo-cache was made. This was one of five geo-caches that were searched for along the route.
Next we climbed the paved toll road (free for bikes) from Jachenau to the south east corner of the Walchensee. We then rode westward along the southern shore of the lake, stopping once for another geo-cache which involved a swim for those so inclined. Next was a climb up a gravel covered dirt road and then a fun descent (at least for those of us with mountain bikes) on a rocky dirt road near the Asamklamm and finally arrived into Eschenlohe where we stopped for lunch at the Zur Brücke restaurant next to the Loisach river. It was a nice stop except for swarms of flies.
After a detour to a nearby hilltop church, we road a dirt road across the Murnauer Moos. Due to the recent heavy rains, the normally dry road was under water in places, but still mostly rideable. Our route then took us along the Staffelsee lake and finally to the Murnau train station. With a bit of luck and hard pedaling, we arrived just in time to catch the 8pm train back to Munich.
The group enjoyed a nice day cycling through varied and beautiful terrain in the Bavarian Voralpen.
written by Jeff for IMGmunich
Kappel - Hörnlealm - Vorderes Hörnle - Mittleres Hörnle - Hinteres Hörnle - Hörnlehütte - Kappel
Easy all year hike that follows small meadows and forest paths. The direct ascent from Kappel to Hörnlealm is not marked, but the orientation is not difficult.
#height difference ~850 hm #duration (calculated) ~4:30 h
Further tour details can be found on alpenvereinaktiv.com
IMGmunich did this tour on Sunday, July 10th, 2016
Hammersbach - Höllental Gorge - Höllentalangerhütte (DAV) - Zugspitze
A diversivied mountaineering tour:Starting at Hammersbach with wide paths to Höllentaleingangshütte. Afterwards enjoying the Höllental Gorge which leads to Höllental. After passing by at the new Höllentalangerhütte (serviced DAV hut) arrive at "Brett & Leiter" (plank & ladder) leading up further to the Höllentalferner (the glacier part of the route). From there on it continues to the #TopOfGermany on a nice Via Ferrata.
#distance 9 km #ascent 2200 hm #duration ~8h
IMGmunich did this tour on Friday, July 08th, 2016
Obergries - Probstalm - Benediktenwand - Probstalm (overnight) - Lenggries
For the ascent to the hut we took the route through Längental starting from Obergries. After leaving the food for the evening at the hut we made our way thorugh some snow up to the Benediktenwand. For the descent we had some fresh snow...
IMGmunich did this tour on the weekend of April 23rd/24th, 2016
Marquartstein (630 m) - Agergschwendtalm (1040 m) - Hochgernhaus (1461 m) - Hochgern (1748 m) - Staudacher Alm (1150 m) - Schnappenkirche (1099 m) - Marquartstein (630 m)
Starting the hike from parking lot "Marquartstein am Schloß".On the trip is a hut where we can have a stop for some drinks and food: "Hochgernhaus".
#ascent ~1100hm #decent ~1100hm #duration ~6h
IMGmunich did this tour on Sunday, April 10th, 2016
Fischhausen-Neuhaus - Ankl-Alm - Freudenreichsattel - Spitzingsee - DAV Haus Spitzingsee
A small AfterWork Ski-Tour from the train station Fischhausen-Neuhaus via Freudenreichsattel to the DAV Haus Spitzingsee.
IMGmunich did this tour on Thrursday, March 17th, 2016