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Achtung:Diese Hütte kann von Nichtmitgliedern nicht gebucht werden. Jetzt Mitglied werden?
Achtung:Diese Hütte kann von Mitgliedern anderer Sektionen und Nichtmitgliedern nicht gebucht werden. Jetzt Mitglied werden?
Als Mitglied der Alpenvereinssektionen München & Oberland kannst du deine Beiträge und Nachrichten einfach und jederzeit über das Mitgliederportal »Mein Alpenverein« verwalten. Jetzt Mitglied werden?
You've come to the right place. The German Alpine Club (DAV) for the greater Munich area is home to everyone who loves the mountains. Our members explore the mountains alone, in groups, safely and with environmental awareness – to make hiking possible today and in the future. Together, we are fully dedicated to preserving the mountain ecosystem and wilderness.
Did you know? You can translate our entire website into your preferred language using a translator extension. For example, in Google Chrome, you can use the automatic translator. Simply open the translator and select the desired language.
How to translate a website
Not satisfied with the translation? Get in touch, and we will adjust the German text to make it translate better.
Get in touch
Links to our international groups:
Bulgarian GroupDAV Club UshbaGAMS – the German-Italian groupIMG – International Mountaineering Group
Alpine advice
Our state-certified mountain guides and DAV trainers will happily advise you in our three service centers regarding your next mountain tour. They always have one or two insider tips!
Alpine activities – Courses & Tours
Active in the mountains? Be safe! In our "alpinprogramm" we offer you basic and advanced courses, in which well-trained instructors teach you the know-how for all mountain sports.
Discount for huts of the DAV
As a DAV member, your stay is discounted at more than 2,000 association huts where you can eat cheaper mountaineering meals.
Insurance coverage for members
We won't leave you hanging! As a DAV member, you enjoy worldwide insurance coverage for alpine accidents.
Experience the mountains together
Whether you are young, old, ready for something strenuous or leisurely – our approximately 90 different groups offer something for everyone. Get to know our groups and experience community in the mountains!
Self-catering huts
Host yourself in one of our 22 self-catering huts available exclusively to our members in the Bavarian Alps and in Tyrol. Go on an adventure to one of the huts!
Equipment rental
You’re up for a tour in the mountains, but something is missing? We have everything you need. In our three service centers, you can rent and test equipment for a wide variety of mountain sports.
In our three service centers, you can explore a large assortment of maps & tour guides and borrow them at a reasonable rate to plan your next trip.
Discount in climbing gyms
In the DAV climbing and bouldering centers in Thalkirchen, Freimann, Gilching and Bad Tölz, you enter at a reduced rate and can purchase an annual card for further discounts
Experience mountains, preserve mountains
Help us protect what we love. We are committed to preserving for our unique Alpine region.
Clean Transport
We encourage using public transport into the mountains. By bus & train, you can comfortably reach your destination and while also protecting the environment.
Paths & Trails
Volunteer to preserve of our unique trail network. Our trails & paths are signposted and maintained push you to the peak!
Youth on the Trails
Our youth are the trailblazers of tomorrow! With our youth work, we educate young people and their communities about the Alps.
Volunteers are the heart of our association! With your membership fee, you support our volunteers’ commitment and activities.
The DAV: A Strong Community
Join our community – only together can we make a difference.
All membership fees are paid annually:
For new members joining mid-billing cycle, the annual dues for the first year will be reduced accordingly:
We offer special discounts for the following people:
Membership is automatically renewed annually. Members must cancel in writing by September 30 at the latest to prevent automatic renewal.
By becoming a member, you accept our organizational statutes:
I support the goals of the DAV, particularly those statutes of the Munich and Oberland section as well as their printed privacy policy. The membership is valid for one calendar year. I know that my membership must be cancelled in writing and received by the section before September 30 in order for my cancellation to take effect by the end of the year. Membership for children and young people does not automatically end at the age of 18 — not even in the case of an existing family membership. The membership continues to be valid unless it is cancelled by the deadline mentioned above.
When starting your membership, you authorize a direct debit of all fees from your account:
I authorize the Munich and Oberland Sections to withdraw all amounts due and receivables for the membership(s) from my account by direct debit. At the same time, I instruct my credit institution to honor the direct debit drawn on my account by the section. Note on withdrawing direct debit authorization: I can request a refund of the debited amount within 8 weeks, starting with the debit date. The conditions agreed with my credit company apply. Payment obligations resulting from the statutes (AGBs) remain unchanged even if I withdraw authorization! Bank charges incurred in the event of uncleared payments will be paid by me, the member.