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»Mein Alpenverein« bietet dir als Mitglied der Alpenvereinssektionen München & Oberland den perfekten Online-Service. Du kannst nach der Freischaltung zukünftig fast alle unserer Leistungen online buchen, ohne aufwendig alle persönlichen Daten in Web-Formulare eingeben zu müssen. Dies ist nicht nur bequem, sondern erhöht auch die Datensicherheit enorm.
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Achtung:Diese Veranstaltung kann von Mitgliedern anderer Sektionen und Nichtmitgliedern nicht gebucht werden. Jetzt Mitglied werden?
Achtung:Diese Hütte kann von Nichtmitgliedern nicht gebucht werden. Jetzt Mitglied werden?
Achtung:Diese Hütte kann von Mitgliedern anderer Sektionen und Nichtmitgliedern nicht gebucht werden. Jetzt Mitglied werden?
Als Mitglied der Alpenvereinssektionen München & Oberland kannst du deine Beiträge und Nachrichten einfach und jederzeit über das Mitgliederportal »Mein Alpenverein« verwalten. Jetzt Mitglied werden?
Welcome to the IMG!
The International Mountaineering Group (IMG) of DAV Section Munich is for English-speaking mountain enthusiasts interested in hiking, via ferrata, ski-touring and more! We want to connect people to enjoy the mountains and plan to do courses in English to extend skills needed for mountaineering.
If you didn't sign up for a group membership yet, please use this form (click here) to send us your data. Otherwise you cannot register for activities and the group intranet will be invisible. You can already set up your Mein Alpenverein account and will have access to it as soon as you have received an answer to your membership request. Scroll further down for more information on Mein Alpenverein.
At our regulars’ tables you can get known to people from the group and exchange ideas on tours and other mountaineering activities. If you would like to know when the next regulars' table will take place you will find an answer in our calendar.
Our upcoming tours and events will be published in the caldendar, too. Check out the configuration within Mein Alpenverein to automatically receive information about new events published (this is included in our step-by-step-guide, too).
Furthermore we publish some information and pictures on Facebook every now and then. Have a look at our Facebook-Page www.facebook.com/IMGmunich and feel free to like and comment on our posts!
If you have any questions left open after having a look at the getting started, feel free to write a message to any of the Gruppenbetreuer. They will get back to you and give you further help. You can get in contact with them through our contact form at www.dav-muenchen-oberland.de/img/contact.
Looking forward to see you on one of our tours,Best regards from...the IMG Gruppenbetreuer team
Let's have a look at the tours and courses that we are doing wihtin the International Mountaineerin Group. On the one hand there are categories like “hiking, climbing, skitouring”, but on the other hand we would like to make you aware of our three types of tours described blow.
IMG Tours are tours being organized within the group by one of the Gruppenbetreuer.
Every participating group member should be able to do the tour on his own and the Gruppenbetreuer is taking care of the organizational topics before, during and after the tour, but not guiding the other group members. IMG tours are published in our calendar and mentioned in the group's newsletter.
Private tours are tours which are organized outside the official context of IMG.
The role of our group is restricted to giving members a platform to get in contact for planning tours together. This platform is at first hand the regulars’ tables (see our calendar) and secondly the mailinglist, WhatsApp-groups or any other channels.Want to know how to enroll in the mailinglist? Get in contact with the group leader via our contact form.
Guided Tours and Coruses need a certified mountain guide or Fachübungsleiter who can guide the tours.
Guided Tours and Courses are organized by one of our Gruppenbetreuer and guided / conducted by the corresponding guide (both roles can be the same person, too). Guided Tours and Courses are published in our calendar and mentioned in the group's newsletter.
What is Mein Alpenverein about?
You need to set up a Mein Alpenverein account to be able to register for group activities.
As you can imagine by the name, the part coming afterwards logging in is mostly in German, but that shouldn't be a problem at all.
After clicking on the button Mein Alpenverein you can login to an internal area if you have user credentials already. If you don't have them: Just use your membership number and birthdate to create an account for it (see our step-by-step guide).
Within Mein Alpenverein you can change your data like address, email and bank account and configure your abonnement of the membership magazines & the official newsletter.
Within the Group-Intranet more information is to come with the next updates of the website. Today you can already use your account to participate in tours and courses published in our calendar and if you don’t want to miss any new events feel free to sign up for a notification. To do so click on “Meine Gruppeneinstellungen bearbeiten”; afterwards set the checkbox active and hit the save button.