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From Geitau to Taubenstein - Juli 3, 2024

What a beautiful, long, solitary, and joyful hike. A so-called bad weather day has its very own charm. If you want to see the route, you can watch the 

Let's start from the beginning...
For such a rainy day, we chose a beautiful hike along forest roads and wide paths. We started in high spirits from the Geitau hiking parking lot.


The path leads us across the beautiful, green glider airfield while the peaks are still shrouded in dense clouds.


Right at the beginning, we got a little rain shower.


Here to the right towards Taubensteinhaus.


All-wheel drive required! Do our two hiking boot soles count as all-wheel drive? ;-)


Due to the lack of proper puddles, we at least find a mountain stream to cross.


The fog lends the forest a mystical beauty.


A red bag as a warning marker for cyclists.


We just saw some chamois up there.


No more rain, just fresh air.


Here to the right over the bridge.


A natural installation: rock, moss, flowers.


A bit further, we are treated to some views.


Daisies, the summer flowers of the Bavarian foothills.


 One more curve, and then we are at Taubensteinhaus.


The clouds are clearing over Hochmiesing.


The clouds still hang low over Rotwand.


Arrived at Taubensteinhaus.


It's time for some good food and drinks.


Delicious!!! We are very hungry :-)


The clouds are clearing. We take the opportunity to climb the Taubenstein summit.


It’s not far to the summit.


Looking back at Taubensteinhaus.


At the foot of the Taubenstein summit.


We only need to climb the short but steep section with wire ropes.


Rudi's climbing technique is anything but "Rudi"mentary ;-)


Up the wire rope to the cheeky little Taubenstein summit.


View to the other side to Obere Maxlraineralm.


We hadn't planned for a summit today due to the rain, but now we unexpectedly get a summit photo.


We return first over the wire ropes to the foot of the summit, then to the Taubensteinbahn mountain station, over to Taubensteinhaus in the background, and then back down to the valley to Geitau.


Happy faces.


On the way to the Taubensteinbahn mountain station.


Follow the sign and you will come directly to Taubensteinhaus :-)


Past the Taubensteinbahn mountain station. In the background, the Taubenstein summit and in the foreground a cow making itself comfortable right on the path..


The now almost cloud-free Rotwand with Kleintiefentalalm in front.


Cloud spectacle over Miesing and Steilenberg.


Descent into the valley.


The Heubergalm in the valley with Miesing on the left.


Along the glider airfield in Geitau, we return to the starting point.